Monday, June 21, 2010

Mercedes-Benz dealers and BMW

Mercedes-Benz dealers and BMW

Luxury car dealers, including your Lawrenceville, NJ Mercedes-Benz dealer, are not immune from the current financial crisis. When people are feeling the pinch, they start cutting back on many luxury items like nice cars and boats. That’s why Mercedes-Benz dealers and BMW are working together during these tumultuous times.

Both of these luxury automakers have decided to put aside their differences so they can join forces and share production and development information. The two rivals have talked about doing this for several years, but they have both been protective about their secrets until now.

This won’t be a major change for the automakers, though. They have already worked together on developing hybrid vehicles that are mostly powered by electricity. This new partnership, however, will not combine shareholdings. The companies simply plan on designing, buying and producing components like seatbelts and air conditioning for new models.

What does this mean for you? This could only mean a better car for you at your Mercedes-Benz dealers. When two of the top automakers put their proverbial heads together to create new features for new models, the possibilities are endless. Visit your local Mercedes-Benz dealers just to see what real luxury feels like!


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