Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mercedes Dealers No 1

Mercedes Dealers No 1

Mercedes wants to discuss his proposed legislation in the Senate right now. Earlier this month, a bill has been introduced to offer low-income families an incentive of $ 10,000 if they trade in their old inefficient cars for newer vehicles and more efficient.

Here are some of the details of this bill: • Eligible consumers would be less than $ 25,000 per year. Eligible families must earn less than $ 40,000 to qualify for the incentive.

• Eligible purchases of cars, after a trade and would be manufactured by a company plant in the United States. The new vehicles should also require fuel that is at least 25 miles per gallon, which is determined by the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency ... " • a new vehicle must also be the fuel economy is at least "4.9 miles per gallon more than the" commercial vehicles.

• Trade and the vehicle must be recorded and released a single on 1 December 2008. These are just some of the details of the bill. You can read the entire bill here. Your Cherry Hill, NJ area Mercedes-Benz dealers can also help make sense of the new legislation, if passed.

If you pass, is a good way to start gradually older vehicles so we can improve themselves on the road. We'll see what happens with this and keep you posted.


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